Количество образовательных организаций: 117
Примененные фильтры:
Источник  (с копией первичных данных для текущего исследования вы можете ознакомиться ниже)
Итоговая оценка Образовательная организация Страна Место
A Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation (the) 76
B National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Russian Federation (the) 107
B Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russian Federation (the) 116
B Tomsk State University Russian Federation (the) 148
C National University of Science and Technology MISIS Russian Federation (the) 254
C Bauman Moscow State Technical University Russian Federation (the) 257
C National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk Polytechnic University Russian Federation (the) 284
C Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation (the) 294
C RUDN University Russian Federation (the) 362
C Kazan Federal University Russian Federation (the) 404
C Siberian Federal University Russian Federation (the) 477
D ITMO University Russian Federation (the) 524
D Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Russian Federation (the) 525
D Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Russian Federation (the) 534
D Moscow Aviation Institute Russian Federation (the) 538
D Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University Russian Federation (the) 611
D Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Russian Federation (the) 628
D Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin Russian Federation (the) 644
D National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Russian Federation (the) 662
D Privolzhsky Research Medical University Russian Federation (the) 673
D Sechenov University Russian Federation (the) 685
D Samara University Russian Federation (the) 686
D Innopolis University Russian Federation (the) 688
D Russian Federation (the) 689
D Altai State University Russian Federation (the) 699
D National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) Russian Federation (the) 701
D North-Caucasus Federal University Russian Federation (the) 712
D Stavropol State Agrarian University Russian Federation (the) 720
D North-Eastern Federal University Russian Federation (the) 731
D Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Russian Federation (the) 742
D Far Eastern Federal University Russian Federation (the) 752
D National Research Saratov State University Russian Federation (the) 753
D Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Russian Federation (the) 755
D St Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI) Russian Federation (the) 764
D Voronezh State University Russian Federation (the) 801
D South Ural State University (National Research University) Russian Federation (the) 823
D Perm State University Russian Federation (the) 824
D Belgorod State National Research University Russian Federation (the) 827
D Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics Russian Federation (the) 839
D Saint-Petersburg Mining University Russian Federation (the) 850
D Siberian State Medical University Russian Federation (the) 862
D Moscow State Pedagogical University Russian Federation (the) 864
D Ulyanovsk State University Russian Federation (the) 872
D Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev Russian Federation (the) 874
D Magnitogorsk State Technical University Russian Federation (the) 875
D Ufa State Petroleum Technological University Russian Federation (the) 876
D Ogarev Mordovia State University Russian Federation (the) 883
D Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Russian Federation (the) 884
D Southwest State University Russian Federation (the) 890
D Russian State Agrarian University Russian Federation (the) 892

RUR – Round University Ranking (Россия) представляет результаты ранжирования с 2010 года (дата открытия компании в Москве – 2013 год).

RUR рассматривает 1100 университетов из 82 стран, но в рейтинг входят 829 университета разных стран по 20 индикаторам, объединенным в 4 группы: преподавание (40%), научные исследования (40%), международная деятельность (10%) и финансовая устойчивость (10%). В рейтинге используются статистические данные (число студентов, академический штат и др.) и репутационные данные от компании Thompson Reuters, собранные в рамках проекта GIPP - Global Institutional Profiles Project. Компания ежегодно проводит опрос 10 000 респондентов. Также используются библиометрические данные из базы Web of Science Core Collection.

В 2024 году в рейтинг RUR вошло 1167 вузов. Из 129 российских вузов, вошедших в рейтинг, лучший результат у Московского государственного университета – 76-е место.

Round University Ranking (RUR)