Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World University (NTU) *

Количество образовательных организаций: 1225
Источник  (с копией первичных данных для текущего исследования вы можете ознакомиться ниже)
Итоговая оценка Образовательная организация Страна Место
A Harvard University United States of America (the) 1
A Stanford University United States of America (the) 2
A University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 3
A University of Toronto Canada 4
A University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 5
A Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) 6
A Tsinghua University China 7
A Zhejiang University China 8
A University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 9
A Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) 10
A University of Washington United States of America (the) 11
A Shanghai Jiao Tong University China 12
A University of Michigan, Ann Arbor United States of America (the) 13
A Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 14
A Sorbonne Paris Cite University France 15
A University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) 16
A Columbia University United States of America (the) 17
A Peking University China 18
A University of California, Los Angeles United States of America (the) 19
A Yale University United States of America (the) 20
A National University of Singapore Singapore 21
A University of California, San Diego United States of America (the) 22
A University of California, San Francisco United States of America (the) 23
A The University of Melbourne Australia 24
A ETH Zurich Switzerland 25
A Cornell University United States of America (the) 26
A The University of Sydney Australia 27
A University of Copenhagen Denmark 28
A University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) 29
A University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) 30
A University of Paris-Saclay France 31
A Sun Yat-sen University China 32
A Monash University Australia 33
A Duke University United States of America (the) 34
A Sorbonne University France 35
A Northwestern University United States of America (the) 36
A University of British Columbia Canada 37
A Huazhong University of Science and Technology China 38
A Fudan University China 39
A The University of Queensland Australia 40
A The University of New South Wales Australia 41
A King’s College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 43
A University of Science and Technology of China China 44
A Washington University in St. Louis United States of America (the) 45
A The University of Tokyo Japan 46
A KU Leuven Belgium 47
A University of Pittsburgh United States of America (the) 48
A Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore 49
A Central South University China 50
A Sichuan University China 51

NTU - Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World University или Тайваньский рейтинг формируется Национальным университетом Тайваня (National Taiwan University) в сотрудничестве с аккредитационным агентством Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT).

Рейтинг был впервые опубликован в 2007 году, рассчитывается только по публикациям в Web of Science, включает всего три группы показателей, состоящие из 11 индикаторов: результативность исследований (research productivity - 25%), влияние исследований (research impact - 35%), превосходство (research excellence (40%).

В 2024 году в рейтинг NTU вошло 1228 вузов. Из 14 российских вузов, вошедших в рейтинг, лучший результат у Московского государственного университета – 404-е место.

Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World University (NTU)