Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) *

Количество образовательных организаций: 999
Источник  (с копией первичных данных для текущего исследования вы можете ознакомиться ниже)
Итоговая оценка Образовательная организация Страна Место
A Harvard University United States of America (the) 1
A Stanford University United States of America (the) 2
A Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) 3
A University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 4
A University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) 5
A University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 6
A Princeton University United States of America (the) 7
A California Institute of Technology United States of America (the) 8
A Columbia University United States of America (the) 8
A University of Chicago United States of America (the) 10
A Yale University United States of America (the) 11
A Cornell University United States of America (the) 12
A University of Paris-Saclay France 12
A University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) 14
A University of California, Los Angeles United States of America (the) 15
A University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 16
A Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) 17
A University of California, San Diego United States of America (the) 18
A University of Washington United States of America (the) 18
A University of California, San Francisco United States of America (the) 20
A ETH Zurich Switzerland 21
A Tsinghua University China 22
A Washington University in St. Louis United States of America (the) 23
A Peking University China 24
A Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 25
A University of Toronto Canada 26
A Zhejiang University China 27
A The University of Tokyo Japan 28
A Rockefeller University United States of America (the) 29
A University of Michigan, Ann Arbor United States of America (the) 30
A New York University United States of America (the) 31
A University of Copenhagen Denmark 32
A Northwestern University United States of America (the) 33
A Paris Sciences et Lettres France 33
A University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill United States of America (the) 35
A University of Wisconsin, Madison United States of America (the) 36
A The University of Melbourne Australia 37
A Shanghai Jiao Tong University China 38
A Duke University United States of America (the) 39
A The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 40
A Sorbonne University France 41
A University of Science and Technology of China China 42
A Karolinska Institute Sweden 43
A LMU Munich Germany 43
A Kyoto University Japan 45
A University of Texas at Austin United States of America (the) 45
A Technical University of Munich Germany 47
A University of British Columbia Canada 47
A University of Minnesota United States of America (the) 47
A Fudan University China 50

Академический рейтинг мировых университетов ARWU - Academic Ranking of World Universities (Китай) принято называть Шанхайским рейтингом. Выпускается ежегодно с 2003 года коллективом Центра исследования университетов мирового уровня (CWCU) Академии высшего образования (ранее Институт высшего образования) Шанхайского университета Цзяо Тун, Китай.

Для расчета рейтинга используется информация по 2500 вузам, но ранжируется только 1000 из них.

В 2024 году в рейтинг ARWU вошло 1000 вузов. Из 7 российских вузов, вошедших в рейтинг, лучший результат у Московского государственного университета – 101-150-е место.

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)